And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Ver. 10. And the devil] This Mr Brightman interprets of the Turk, called here the devil, because instigated and set awork by the devil. Albeit another learned expositor is of opinion, that by the fall of the beast and conversion of the Jews, the Turks and other states of the East shall be brought to embrace the gospel, being first taught thereto by some notable foil. What to think of this I know not; but cannot but like well of Diodate's note upon Revelation 20:4; that in all this prophecy it is better and more sure to expect and stay for the explication by the event than to give it without any certain ground.

And shall be tormented] Gr. βασανισθησονται, racked. The devil and the damned have punishment without pity, misery without mercy, sorrow without succour, crying without comfort, mischief without measure, torments without end and past imagination.

For ever and ever] This is as another hell in the midst of hell, and forceth them to cry, ουαι, ουαι, " woe, woe," as if they should say, ουκ αει, ουκ αει, "not ever, not ever, Lord." Whereto conscience answereth as an echo, αει, αει, "ever, ever." Hence that doleful ουαι, "woe and alas" for evermore.

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