I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

Ver. 15. That thou art neither cold] Such are our civil justiciaries, political professors, neuterpassive Christians; a fair day mends them not, and a foul day pairs them not; peremptory never to be more precise; resolved to keep on the warm side of the hedge, to sleep in a whole skin, suffer nothing, do nothing, that may interfere with their hopes or prejudice their preferments.

I would thou wert] Better be a zealous Papist than a lukewarm Protestant. A zealous Papist (saith one) dare tell us to our heads that our religion is error, ourselves heretics, our end destruction; that one heaven cannot hold us hereafter, one church now; that our damnation is so clearly set down in our own Bibles, that there needs no more to assure us thereof than to open our eyes and read it; that if we be not damned, he will be damned for us, &c. This is better than forlorn recklessness in right religion, and that detestable indifference above specified. (Campian, Revelation 10; Bristow, Mot. 36; Coster ad Osiand.)

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