To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

Ver. 21. To sit with me in my throne] The thrones of those eastern kings were large and capacious, after the manner of a couch, set on high and covered with tapestry, so that besides the king's own room, others whom the king would honour might sit by him in the same throne. (Lud. de Dieu. in loc.) And hereunto our Saviour seemeth here to allude. This honour he promiseth to him that overcometh, as Alexander the Great by his last will left his dominions τω κρατιστω, to the worthiest of his princes, to him that should best deserve it.

And he with me] Christ is no niggardly or beggarly guest. His reward is with him, he brings better commodities than Abraham's servant did, or the Queen of Sheba, gold, raiment, eyesalve, &c.

Even as I also] That is, because I also overcame, by virtue of my victory, ως for οτι. See the likeJohn 17:2; Luke 4:36. It is by Christ that we do exceedingly overcome, Romans 8:37 .

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