Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

Ver. 20. But where sin abounded] But then where sin that abounded in the life, it abounds in the conscience in grief and detestation of it, as the greatest evil. Bonner objected to Mr Philpot, martyr, that he found written in his book, In me Ioanne Philpotto ubi abundavit peccatum, superabundavit et gratia. In me John Philpot, where sin abounds, even grace superabounds. This he said was an arrogant speech. Novum crimen, C. Caesar. Fresh sin, Gaius Caesar. (Acts and Mon.)

That the offence might abound] Either by accident, through man's corruption, and not of God's intention, Romans 7:13. Or if ινα be taken causally, it must be interpreted byGalatians 3:19. God gave the law after the promise, to advance the promise. The law was added because of transgression, sc. that hereby guilt and danger being discovered, we might acknowledge the riches of free grace and mercy.

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