What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

Ver. 15. Shall we sin, because, &c.] Some Antinomian libertines would persuade men that God is never displeased with his people, though they fall into adultery, or the like sin, no, not with a fatherly displeasure; that God never chastiseth his people for any sin, no, not with a fatherly chastisement; that God seeth no sin in his elect; that the very being of their sin is abolished out of God's sight; that they cannot sin, or if they do, it is not they, but "sin that dwelleth in them," &c. What is this but to "turn the grace of God into wantonness," which there hence becometh the savour of death to death unto them; like as Moses' rod, cast on the ground, turned to a serpent; or as dead men's bodies, when the marrow melteth, do bring forth serpents? Corruptio optimi pessima.

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