But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

Ver. 23. A law in my members] Called the deeds of the body, Romans 8:13, because corruption acteth and uttereth itself by the members of the body. a The πανσπερμια (vox Empedoclea) is within, but easily and often budgeth and breaketh out.

Warring against the law] The regenerate part. Plato in Cratylo pulchre ait; Ut mentem appellamus νοον, ita legem dicimus νομον, quasi μενοντα νοον, alioqui mens hominum vagatur.

And bringing me into captivity] The sins of the saints (those of daily incursion) are either of precipitancy, asGalatians 6:1, or of infirmity; when a man wrestles, and hath some time to fight it out, but for want of breath and strength, falls, and is in some captivity to the law of sin; this is the worse.

a επιθυμιαν Plato πολυκεφαλον appellat.

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