Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, [if ought] but death part thee and me.

Ver. 17. Where thou diest, &c] That both she and her mother should once die, she doubted not. Heb 9:27 This many seem to do, whilst they so live as if their lives were riveted upon eternity. See Psalms 49:10,11; Psalms 49:13 .

There will I be buried.] Burial is one of the dues of the dead; and dear friends desire to be buried together. 2Sa 19:37 Mezentius in Virgil begs to be buried by his son Lausus. a

The Lord do so to me, and more also.] Let him double and treble the evil wished upon me, which is here not mentioned by a usual aposiopesis, not unlike that of the prophet Amos in Amos 4:12; "And because I will do thus unto thee," Ubi non nominat mala, ut omnia timeant, b he nameth not any, that they may fear all. This is an oath bound with a curse, which yet is not particularly named, but left unto God. Indeed, every oath is with an execration, either understood or expressed.

a Aeneid., lib. x.

b Ribera.

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