And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.

Ver. 20. And she said unto them.] She put her mouth in the dust, and spake in a low language, suitable to her present condition. God had afflicted her, and she would carry her sails accordingly. Many are humbled, but not humble; low, but not lowly. These have lost the fruit of their afflictions, saith Augustine, and are therefore most miserable. God, saith another, calls no man Benjamin, but those whom their own hearts call Benoni in their humility. He salutes them not "Naomi," beautiful, who do not humbly feel themselves Marah, bitter.

Call me not Naomi, call me Marah.] Non Amaeham sed Amaram. Sic, Da obolum Bellisario. How soon can the Almighty alter our condition, for the better, or for the worse!

Magna repente ruunt, summa cadunt subito.

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