And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou [art] a virtuous woman.

Ver. 11. And now, my daughter, fear not.] That I will either reproach thee, or reject thee; mine affection is no whit alienated from thee by thy present practice; which though it hath a show of evil, yet I know that it proceedeth not from lightness or lust.

I will do to thee all that thou requirest.] The desires of the righteous shall be satisfied. Pro 10:24 Let men bring but lawful requests and honest hearts, and they may have anything. Here Boaz betrotheth Ruth conditionally.

For all the city of my people know.] Heb., All the gate. Her works had praised her in the gates: Pro 31:31 she was eminently and eximiously virtuous.

That thou art a virtuous woman.] Praised by all, and therefore prized by me "above rubies." But now-a-days, Virtus post nummos. In suits both of law and love: money carrieth it.

Haud facile invenias multis e millibus unum,

Virtutem precium qui putat esse sui. ”

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