And she lay at his feet until the morning: and she rose up before one could know another. And he said, Let it not be known that a woman came into the floor.

Ver. 14. And she lay at his feet until the morning.] A rare example of chaste and continent behaviour! O quam hoc non est omnium! Joseph denied his wanton mistress, but Judah solicited Tamar on the first sight of her: and Lot, alone with his daughters, committed incest. Uncleanness is, as Reuben, the eldest child of old Adam's strength, bearing name of the mother, which is called in general lust or concupiscence. The devil also findeth men weakest in resisting temptations to these sensual sins. Shun therefore the occasions, as much as may be. It is not safe being at Satan's mess, though our spoon be never so long. They that venture upon the occasion, do as it were tempt the devil to tempt them, which needs not.

And she rose up before one could know another.] Either out of joy of heart, or to prevent obloquy: which also was Boaz's care. For,

He said, Let it not be known, &c.] Et caste et caute. Men must look to their credit as well as to their conscience, and "abstain from all appearances of evil," all shows and shadows of sin, quicquid fuerit male coloratum, whatsoever looketh but ill-favouredly: because men are generally suspicious, and apt to speak the worst. a

“ Tu id quod boniest excerpis: dicis quod mali est. ” - Terent.

Some make this to be Boaz's saying within himself; and that therefore he made Ruth rise before it was day.

a Bernard.

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