Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day.

Ver. 18. Sit still, my daughter.] Stir not abroad, divulge not the business, - some women cannot but be tattling, - but wait upon God, and be ready whensoever thou art called to the accomplishment of this marriage.

How the matter will fall.] How God's providence will work. Commit thyself to God in well doing. Psa 37:5 "Cast thy care upon him." 1Pe 5:7 It is thy work to cast care: God's work to take care: let him alone with his work, which is then only well done, when done by himself.

For the man will not be in rest, &c.] Naomi knew him to be homo quadratus, a right honest man, such a one as accounted promise to be due debt, and would not rest till he had paid it.

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