And he said, Who [art] thou? And she answered, I [am] Ruth thine handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid; for thou [art] a near kinsman.

Ver. 9. Spread therefore thy skirt.] Tostatus thinketh that by this speech she desired him to lie with her; which is gross. Rather, hereby she desired him to marry her - see Ezekiel 16:8, - and as a husband to nourish and cherish her; Eph 5:29 and he understandeth her no otherwise, as appeareth by his answer.

For thou art a near kinsman.] And so hast the right of redemption, and reason to raise up seed to my deceased husband. Let us go boldly to Jesus Christ our elder Brother, and say to him in like sort, Thou, Lord, art my near and dear kinsman, Oh spread thy skirt over me, &c.

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