My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.

Ver. 10. My beloved spake, and said.] Heb., Answered and said. She had sighed out, belike, some such request unto her beloved as David did, Psa 90:13 "Return, O Lord, how long!" Lovers' hours are full of eternity. He replieth, Even now, my love; behold, here I am for thy help. "Now will I rise, now will I be exalted, now will I lift up myself." Isa 33:10 Rise thou, therefore, out of the ashes wherewith thou hast been covered, Lam 3:16 and come away to a better condition. Or, rise out of sin, wherein by nature thou sittest. Luk 1:79 "Stand up from the dead," come away to Christ, and he "shall give thee light." Eph 5:14 "Come, for the master calleth," as they said to blind Bartimeus. Mar 10:49 "Come, for it is high time to come, since now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." "The night is far spent, the day is at hand." Rom 13:11-12 "The winter is past, the flowers appear." Up, therefore, and come with me to my country house, as it were to take the pleasure of the spring tide. In heaven there is a perpetual spring; and here the saints have handsel of heaven, those "firstfruits of the Spirit," even as many as are "holy brethren, partakers of this heavenly calling." Heb 3:1

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