Behold his bed, which [is] Solomon's; threescore valiant men [are] about it, of the valiant of Israel.

Ver. 7. Behold his bed, which is Solomon's, &c.] Or, Behold the bed of Solomon, as the Greek, explaining the Hebrew, hath it. Solomon was a famous figure of Christ; of his bed we read nothing, but may well conceive it was, as everything else about him, stately and costly, and thereby is meant here heaven, say some, whither the Church is brought in ascending in the preceding verse, and by the valiant warders they understand the angels, those mighties. Psa 103:20 But because they are said to be "valiant men of Israel," I rather assent to those that think the godly ministers are here meant by the "mighties," and the Church by Christ's "bed," where he reposeth and "resteth in his love," Zep 3:17 lodging "between her breasts." Son 1:13 There is nothing more sure than that the blessed angels do watch over the Church. Heb 1:14 What a guard by them had Jacob at Mehanaim, Gen 32:1-2 where they made a lane for him, as the word imports, to provide for his safety! The like we may say of Elisha at Dothan, and various others. I doubt not, saith one, but as the angels waited at Christ's sepulchre, so for his sake they watch also over our graves, called our beds. Isa 57:2 Howbeit here understand we it of the ministers of the word that "watch for men's souls," and are frequently called watchmen. Sixty of them they are said to be, because a great number, as the Levites were scattered up and down the tribes of Israel, as salt is strawed thick upon flesh to keep it from putrifying. Ye are the salt of the earth Mat 5:13-16 And "valiant" they are said to be, for valour and courage invincible is necessary to a minister who shall be sure to be put hard to it, and therefore had need to be, as Athanasius was, an adamant for his resolute stout carriage, and to partake with the diamond in the high priest's breastplate for hardness and hardiness in standing to and for the truth. Israelites also they ought to be Jews inwardly, not scoffing Ishmaelites, profane Edomites, false Philistines, but the valiants of Israel, such as David's band of worthies was; 1Ch 11:10-47 ; 1Ch 12:1-37 faithful and godly patterns of piety such as will "take heed to themselves and to the flock," waiting upon the Lord's work and "watching for men's souls as they that must give account," &c. Heb 13:17 It is a great matter to be of Christ's bodyguard. Remember what David said of Abner. 1Sa 26:15

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