I [am] my beloved's, and his desire [is] toward me.

Ver. 10. I am my beloved's.] I see I am so, saith the spouse, by that ample commendation that he hath now again given me, notwithstanding all my former failings in duty towards him. There fall out some faliings out between married couples sometimes; but then they fall in again: they cannot agree together haply so well at first, but being well pieced again, they love better than before. So is it here. The sins we commit make no change in Christ, no substantial alteration. For, first, Upon the same grounds he chose us, he loves us still. He chose us freely, because he would; he chose us for his love, and loves us for his choice. Secondly, There is the same bent of mind and frame of heart towards him remains in us still. And therefore, as there is a transient act of sin passeth from us, so a transient act of chastisement for sin may pass from him. Christ "looked upon Peter," after his denial, with the same familiarity as before. Jehoshuah the high priest, though he were so ill-clothed, and had Satan at his right hand to accuse him, yet he "stood before the angel." Zec 3:1 Christ did not abhor his presence nor reject his service. Ephraim, repenting after his revolt, is re-entertained with all sweetness. Jer 31:20 See Trapp on " Son 2:16 " See Trapp on " Son 6:3 "

And his desire is towards me.] His desirous affection; he loves me as passionately as any woman doth her dearest husband; Gen 3:16 his love to me is wonderful, passing the love of women. "His desire is so toward me," that, as Livia, by obeying her husband Augustus, commanded him, and might have what she would of him, so may I of Christ. Compare Gen 4:7 Isaiah 45:11. The Church here well understood the latitude of that royal charter, and makes it a prop to her faith and a pledge for her perseverance.

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