Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken to thy voice: cause me to hear [it].

Ver. 13. Thou that dwellest in the gardens,] i.e., O thou Church universal, that dwellest in the particular churches, frequently called gardens in this book. The French Protestants at Lyons called their meeting house paradise.

The companions hearken to thy voice.] The angels, so some interpret it, learn of the Church, and profit in the knowledge of the "manifold wisdom of God" in man's redemption. Ephesians 3:10 1Co 11:10 1Pe 1:12 Or rather, thy fellowChristians, thine obedient children, that will hearken to their mother's counsel. No sooner can she say, "Hear and give ear, be not proud, for the Lord hath spoken it," but they "give glory to the Lord their God," Jer 13:15-16 glorify his Word, Act 13:48 set to their seals, Joh 3:33 dispute not Christ's commands, but despatch them; Illi garriant, nos credamus, said Augustine of heretics that would not be satisfied. The philosophers called the Christians credentes, believers, by way of reproach; because they believed God upon his bare word. "We believe and know," saith Peter. Joh 6:69 And "we believe and speak," saith Paul after David. 2Co 4:13 And we believe and practise, as Noah, and those other worthies did, Heb 11:7 laying faith for a foundation of all their doings and sufferings in and for the Lord, like as Ezr 6:4 the foundation of the temple was laid with "three rows of great stones, and a row of new timber." This is the guise of the Church's children; they are soon persuaded to believe and obey their mother, whom they look upon as the pillar and ground of truth.

Cause me to hear it.] See Trapp on " Son 2:14 " Tremellius renders it, Fac ut me audiant, Cause them to hear me: deliver nothing to them for truth but what is consonant to my word of truth; let all thy doctrines bear my stamp, come forth cum privilegio, carry mine authority. What said Augustine to an adversary - it was Faustus the Manichee, I thing - What matter is it what either thou sayest or I say to this or that point Audiamus ambo quid dicit Dominus, Let us both hear what God saith, and sit down by it.

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