Yea, they made their hearts [as] an adamant stone, lest they should hear the law, and the words which the LORD of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the LORD of hosts.

Ver. 12. Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant] That hardest of stones, harder than the flint, Ezekiel 3:9, than the nether millstone, Job 41:24. Pliny saith of it, Durities eius est inenarrabilis, et simul ignium victrix natura et nunquam incalescens. The hardness of this stone is unspeakable: the fire cannot burn it, nor so much as heat it through; the hammer cannot break it; and therefore the Greeks call it an adamant, from its untameableness. Hircino tamen rumpitur sanguine, saith the same author. Howbeit this hardest stone, soaked for a while in goat's blood, may be dissolved and broken in pieces. So may the hardest heart by the blood of Christ (the true scape goat) applied by faith. "They shall look upon him whom they have pierced, and shall mourn" (οψονται κοψονται, Rev 1:7). He shall look again upon them, and they shall melt much more. A stroke from guilt broke Judas's heart into despair; but a look from Christ broke Peter's heart into tears. Now till the heart be thus graciously mollified instructions glide off it, as rain falling upon a rock: afflictions, God's hammers, do not but beat upon an adamant, qui respuit scalptra et malleos, quin at ipsos disrampit, which will sooner break them than be broken by them. "Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye," Acts 7:51. How their fathers did appears by this text and Nehemiah 9:29. They had not only sinews of iron, a natural hereditary hardness (whereby all men are born averse from, yea, adverse to, the motions of the Spirit: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh"), but also brows of brass, Isaiah 48:4, a habitual, voluntary, adventitious, wilful hardness; refusing to be reformed, hating to be healed: such a desperate hardness, as neither ministry, nor misery, nor miracle, nor mercy could possibly mollify.

By the former prophets] Heb. the hand of the former prophets, that is, by their mouth and ministry (Manus enim, est οργανον οργανων. Arist.), but to as little purpose, through their singular obstinace, as when Bede preached to a heap of stones.

Therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of hosts] Which argues that they were great sinners before the Lord, as Genesis 13:13; for he doth not use to kill flies upon men's brows with beetles.

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