And when ye did eat, and when ye did drink, did not ye eat [for yourselves], and drink [for yourselves]?

Ver. 6. And when ye did eat, and when ye did drink] q.d. In all your actions, natural, civil, recreative, religious, you should have sought, served, and set up me, you should have done all to the glory of God, as saith the apostle; you should have eaten, drank, and slept eternal life, as it was said of a certain Scotch divine. "The way of life is above to the wise," Proverbs 15:24, he goes a higher way than his neighbour, who contents himself with a natural use of the creature, but he can extract a spiritual. Grace is called the divine nature, as that which, elixir-like, by contraction turns all into the same property with itself. Meat makes us not acceptable to God, 1 Corinthians 8:8. The kingdom of God consists not in meats and drinks, Romans 14:17. Howbeit the Israelites were commanded, as to fast, so to feast before the Lord; that is, in faith and obedience; and to do everything from the heart, as unto him. This these Jews did not; and are therefore worthily blamed. From their feeding themselves without fear of God is concluded their no respect to him in their fasts and holy services: since true goodness is ever like itself, and carries a uniformity in all proceedings.

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