Verse 18. _SERVANTS_, BE _SUBJECT_] Ephesians 6:5; _"_Colossians
3:22_"_; and _"_Titus 2:9_"_.
_WITH ALL FEAR_] With all submission and reverence....
SERVANTS, BE SUBJECT TO YOUR MASTERS - On the duty here enjoined, see
the notes at Ephesians 6:5. The Greek word used here
(οἰκέται oiketai) is not the same which is employed in
Ephesians, (δοῦλοι...
CHAPTER 2:11-3:9
_ 1. Abstinence and submission (1 Peter 2:11)_
2. Christ the pattern for those who suffer (1 Peter 2:18)
3. Glorifying Christ in the marriage...
This is one of the noblest passages in the NT _on_ the real meaning of
service. It raised the position of slave at one moment to the highest
honour. A man could take all degradation out of it, for he...
SERVANTS. App-190.
_ BE_ SUBJECT. submit, 1 Peter 2:13.
MASTERS. App-98.
WITH. in. App-104.
GENTLE. Greek. _epieikes._ See Philippians 1:4; Philippians 1:5....
_Servants, be subject to your masters_ The counsels thus opening are
carried on to the close of the chapter. The fulness with which slaves
are thus addressed, here and in Ephesians 6:5-8, Col 3:22, 1...
B. SOCIAL DUTIES. 1 Peter 2:13 to 1 Peter 3:12
13 This warfare against heathen principles of living does not mean
the subversion of the necessary bonds of society. Rather it deepens
and intensifies...
_The duty of Servants to Masters_ (cf. Camb. Gk. Test. _Col._ p.
lxviii.; Lightfoot _Col._ 317 ff.)
Slavery was interwoven with the texture of society under the Roman
Empire. To prohibit slavery would...
ΟΊΚΈΤΑΙ _voc. pl._ от ΟΊΚΈΤΗΣ (G3610) домашний
слуга. Это рабы, работавшие по дому,
многие из них были хорошо образованы и
занимали ответственные должности (Best;
Goppelt; _см._ Флм.). Nom. с артиклем...
_1 PETER 2:18_.— _To the poor_ the _Gospel was preached;_ and many
of the inferior sort, who were free from the incumbrance of riches,
and the prejudices of the learned and mighty, embraced Christiani...
_2. TOWARD MASTERS 2:18-25_
1 Peter 2:18 Servants, be in subjection to your masters with all fear;
not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
_Expanded Translation_
You domestic serva...
Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the
good and gentle, but also to the froward.
SERVANTS, [ oiketai (G3610)] - 'household servants:' not [ douloi
(G1401)] 'slaves;' in...
To such among the addressed believers as are in the station of a
servant, I say to you it is your duty to be subject to the orders of
those who are for...
24 Isa_40:6-8.
4 Our Lord, speaking to the chief priests and elders, told them that
the kingdom of God would be taken from them and given to a nation
bringing forth its fruits, in proof of which He a...
2:18 Servants, (c-1) 'Household servants,' as Romans 14:4 , not
necessarily slaves. subject (d-3) See Note n, ch. 3.1....
V1 Therefore stop all evil behaviour. Do not cheat people. Do not
pretend to be better than you are. Do not be jealous. Stop saying bad
When someone behaves badly to another person, it is natural to be bad
in return. Christians have to be different, even if it is hard. In
Matthew 5:44-47 Jesus tells those who follow him to love their...
A servant is someone who works for someone else. This other person
pays the servants for their work. These verses are for all people who
work for an employer. Christians should behave better than othe...
SERVANTS — Second division of the second prudential rule:
subordination social. This word is not the same as is used by St. Paul
— _e.g.,_ Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:22 — but is used only
besides in...
1 Peter 2:18
THE Gospel history shows very clearly that during our Lord's lifetime
His followers were drawn largely from the ranks of the poor. It was
fitting that He who...
1 Peter 1:22; 1 Peter 2:1
THAT holy lives have been lived in solitude none would venture to
dispute, and that devout Christians have found...
1 Peter 2:18
The argument from this point seems to be: Since you have been
redeemed, live worthily of your heavenly calling in relation to your
fellow-believers, to Go...
In order to obey the injunctions, those to whom Peter writes are urged
to put away all such things as are contrary to the spirit of love. In
order to do this they will long for the sustenance of the W...
Peter knew that in Christ, all men are equal (Galatians 3:28-29).
However, that did not change the obligation a Christian would have to
those over him. Even slaves w...
(21) Servants, [be] subject to [your] masters with all fear; not only
to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
(21) He goes to the duty of servants towards their masters, which he
describes w...
Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from
fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; (12) Having your
conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak
The epistles of Peter are addressed to the elect Jews of his day,
believing of course on the Lord Jesus, and scattered throughout a
considerable portion of Asia Minor. The apostle takes particular car...
‘Love the brotherhood’
1 Peter 2:17
This is an instruction which commends itself to our conscience, but
which we find difficult to obey. The love of brethren seems, in
itself, a reaso...
18_Servants, be subject _Though this is a particular admonition, yet
it is connected with what is gone before, as well as the other things
which follow; for the obedience of servants to masters, and o...
Thus cleansed therefore and born of the word, they were to put off all
fraud, hypocrisy, envy, slander; and, as new-born babes, to seek for
this milk of the understanding, in order to grow thereby (fo...
SERVANTS, BE SUBJECT TO YOUR MASTERS,.... This was another notion of
the Jews, that because they were the seed of Abraham, they ought not
to be the servants of any; and particularly such as were belie...
Servants, _be_ subject to _your_ masters with all fear; not only to
the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
Ver. 18. _To the froward_] Cross, crooked, trample, foolish.
_Tortuosis, curvis._ The...
_Servants_ Οι οικεται, _household servants, be subject to
your masters_ Though heathen, in all things lawful; _with all fear_ Of
offending them or God; _not only to the good_ The tender, kind; _and
ALL FEAR; all proper respect.
THE FROWARD; wicked, peevish, morose....
The submission of slaves:...
Ch.2: 1 Timothy 6
Since the Word of God is the solid foundation of all, eternal blessing
for us, it surely follows that we should gladly lay aside all that is
contrary to It. Indeed, these evils liste...
_1 Peter 2:18 ‘Servants, be submissive to your masters with all
respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those
who are unreasonable.'_
‘SERVANTS' -POINTS TO NOTE: 1. ‘the horrib...
SERVANTS; the word is not the same which Paul useth, COLOSSIANS 3:22,
but may well comprehend the servants he speaks of, as implying not
only slaves, but those that were made free, yet continued still...
Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book III
For as it is enjoined on them, "to be subject to their masters with
all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the
1 Peter 2:18 Servants G3610 submissive G5293 (G5746) masters G1203
with G1722 all G3956 fear G5401 not G3756 only...
‘Household servants, be in subjection to your masters with all fear,
not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh.'
The fact that instructions were given to household servants/slaves
would h...
1 Peter 2:18. SERVANTS, SUBMIT YOURSELVES to your MATTERS. The term
for ‘servants' here is different from the one by which Paul so
frequently expresses the idea of the bond-servant. It occurs only
The household is next dealt with as an institution obviously included
under the ‘every ordinance of man' (1 Peter 2:13). And in the house
the duty of servants is first declared. The bond-servant forme...
(ο οικετα). Note article with the class as with ανδρες (1
Peter 3:7), though not with γυναικες (1 Peter 3:1).
Οικετης, old word from οικος (house), means one in the
same house with another...
Peter is very practical in his Epistles. In the early days of the
faith, Christians occupied a far more difficult and dangerous position
than they do today. They were few in number, and greatly despis...
1 Peter 2:1. _Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and
hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, As newborn babes,
desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: Ha...
1 Peter 2:1. _Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and
hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,-_
This is what we are to lay aside, to put away from us, to banish
altogether. The...
1 Peter 2:1. _Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and
hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,_
Putting these evil things right away from you, having nothing further
to do with...
1 Peter 2:1. _Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and
hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, as newborn babes,
desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: if...
1 Peter 2:1. _Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and
hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, As newborn babes,
desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If...
CONTENTS: Exhortation to holiness and growth in view of Christ's great
sacrifice. Christ's vicarious sufferings.
CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Peter.
CONCLUSION: The Word of God is the proper and necessar...
1 Peter 2:4. _To whom coming as to a living stone._ The jews boasted
of their temple, an undisputed blessing. But when the christians fled
from Jerusalem, they took the true, the living temple with th...
YOU SERVANTS. This includes both servants and slaves. Christianity did
not change social status, and a servant was still a servant. As a
Christian servant, each was to do their best, not only for a go...
1 PETER—NOTE ON 1 PETER 2:18 On slavery in the Greco-Roman world,
see note on 1 Cor. 7:21. SERVANTS (bondservants) often entered into
service to pay off a debt. They were not owned forever without the...
1 Peter 2:18. SERVANTS.—Slaves. Many of the early Christians came
from the ranks of slaves, or freedmen. And their freedom in Christ
made their bondage to an earthly ma...
1 PETER 2:1
WHEREFORE LAYING ASIDE. Those who would wear the white robe of
regeneration must lay aside the filthy garments (Zechariah 3:3) of the
old carnal life. So St. Paul bids us put...
Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisy, and
all envying, and all evil speakings (1 Peter 2:1),
Set these things aside, we're to love one another with a pure heart
1 Timothy 6:1; 2 Corinthians 10:1; Colossians 3:22; Ephesians 6:5;...
Servants [ο ι κ ε τ α ι]. Household servants. So Rev., in
margin. Not a common term in the New Testament, occurring only in
three other passages : Luke 16:13; Acts 10:7; Romans 14:4. Some
suppose that...
Servants — Literally, household servants. With all fear — Of
offending them or God. Not only to the good — Tender, kind. And
gentle — Mild, easily forgiving....
Observe here, 1. The order and method of our apostle in the
exhortations given to Christians in this epistle: he first excites
them in the general practice of their duty, and TO BE HOLY IN ALL