* The apostle exhorts Timothy to persevere with diligence, like a
soldier, a combatant, and a husbandman. (1-7) Encouraging him by
assurances of a happy end of his faithfulness. (8-13) Warnings to shun
vain babblings and dangerous errors. (14-21) Charges to flee youthful
lusts, and to minister with... [ Continue Reading ]
1-7 As our trials increase, we need to grow stronger in that which is
good; our faith stronger, our resolution stronger, our love to God and
Christ stronger. This is opposed to our being strong in our own
strength. All Christians, but especially ministers, must be faithful
to their Captain, and res... [ Continue Reading ]
8-13 Let suffering saints remember, and look to Jesus, the Author and
Finisher of their faith, who for the joy that was set before him,
endured the cross, despised the shame, and is now set down at the
right hand of the throne of God. We must not think it strange if the
best men meet with the worst... [ Continue Reading ]
14-21 Those disposed to strive, commonly strive about matters of
small moment. But strifes of words destroy the things of God. The
apostle mentions some who erred. They did not deny the resurrection,
but they corrupted that true doctrine. Yet nothing can be so foolish
or erroneous, but it will over... [ Continue Reading ]
22-26 The more we follow that which is good, the faster and the
further we shall flee from that which is evil. The keeping up the
communion of saints, will take us from fellowship with unfruitful
works of darkness. See how often the apostle cautions against disputes
in religion; which surely shows... [ Continue Reading ]