* The apostle expresses his love to, and joy in believers. (1-7) He
cautions against the errors of heathen philosophy; also against Jewish
traditions, and rites which had been fulfilled in Christ. (8-17)
Against worshipping angels; and against legal ordinances. (18-23)... [ Continue Reading ]
1-7 The soul prospers when we have clear knowledge of the truth as it
is in Jesus. When we not only believe with the heart, but are ready,
when called, to make confession with the mouth. Knowledge and faith
make a soul rich. The stronger our faith, and the warmer our love, the
more will our comfort... [ Continue Reading ]
8-17 There is a philosophy which rightly exercises our reasonable
faculties; a study of the works of God, which leads us to the
knowledge of God, and confirms our faith in him. But there is a
philosophy which is vain and deceitful; and while it pleases men's
fancies, hinders their faith: such are c... [ Continue Reading ]
18-23 It looked like humility to apply to angels, as if men were
conscious of their unworthiness to speak directly to God. But it is
not warrantable; it is taking that honour which is due to Christ only,
and giving it to a creature. There really was pride in this seeming
humility. Those who worship... [ Continue Reading ]