* Masters to do their duty towards servants. (1) Persons of all ranks
to persevere in prayer, and Christian prudence. (2-6) The apostle
refers to others for an account of his affairs. (7-9) Sends greetings;
and concludes with a blessing. (10-18)... [ Continue Reading ]
1 The apostle proceeds with the duty of masters to their servants. Not
only justice is required of them, but strict equity and kindness. Let
them deal with servants as they expect God should deal with
themselves.... [ Continue Reading ]
2-6 No duties can be done aright, unless we persevere in fervent
prayer, and watch therein with thanksgiving. The people are to pray
particularly for their ministers. Believers are exhorted to right
conduct towards unbelievers. Be careful in all converse with them, to
do them good, and recommend rel... [ Continue Reading ]
7-9 Ministers are servants to Christ, and fellow-servants to one
another. They have one Lord, though they have different stations and
powers for service. It is a great comfort under the troubles and
difficulties of life, to have fellow Christians caring for us.
Circumstances of life make no differen... [ Continue Reading ]
10-18 Paul had differed with Barnabas, on the account of this Mark,
yet he is not only reconciled, but recommends him to the churches; an
example of a truly Christian and forgiving spirit. If men have been
guilty of a fault, it must not always be remembered against them. We
must forget as well as fo... [ Continue Reading ]