* The birth of Christ. (1-7) It is made known to the shepherds. (8-20)
Christ presented in the temple. (21-24) Simeon prophesies concerning
Jesus. (25-35) Anna prophesies concerning him. (36-40) Christ with the
learned men in the temple. (41-52)... [ Continue Reading ]
1-7 The fulness of time was now come, when God would send forth his
Son, made of a woman, and made under the law. The circumstances of his
birth were very mean. Christ was born at an inn; he came into the
world to sojourn here for awhile, as at an inn, and to teach us to do
likewise. We are become b... [ Continue Reading ]
8-20 Angels were heralds of the new-born Saviour, but they were only
sent to some poor, humble, pious, industrious shepherds, who were in
the business of their calling, keeping watch over their flock. We are
not out of the way of Divine visits, when we are employed in an honest
calling, and abide w... [ Continue Reading ]
21-24 Our Lord Jesus was not born in sin, and did not need that
mortification of a corrupt nature, or that renewal unto holiness,
which were signified by circumcision. This ordinance was, in his case,
a pledge of his future perfect obedience to the whole law, in the
midst of sufferings and temptatio... [ Continue Reading ]
25-35 The same Spirit that provided for the support of Simeon's hope,
provided for his joy. Those who would see Christ must go to his
temple. Here is a confession of his faith, that this Child in his arms
was the Saviour, the salvation itself, the salvation of God's
appointing. He bids farewell to... [ Continue Reading ]
36-40 There was much evil then in the church, yet God left not
himself without witness. Anna always dwelt in, or at least attended
at, the temple. She was always in a praying spirit; gave herself to
prayer, and in all things she served God. Those to whom Christ is made
known, have great reason to t... [ Continue Reading ]
41-52 It is for the honour of Christ that children should attend on
public worship. His parents did not return till they had stayed all
the seven days of the feast. It is well to stay to the end of an
ordinance, as becomes those who say, It is good to be here. Those that
have lost their comforts in... [ Continue Reading ]