* The Jews could not be justified by the law of Moses, any more than
the Gentiles by the law of nature. (1-16) The sins of the Jews
confuted all their vain confidence in their outward privileges.
(17-29)... [ Continue Reading ]
1-16 The Jews thought themselves a holy people, entitled to their
privileges by right, while they were unthankful, rebellious, and
unrighteous. But all who act thus, of every nation, age, and
description, must be reminded that the judgment of God will be
according to their real character. The case... [ Continue Reading ]
17-24 The apostle directs his discourse to the Jews, and shows of what
sins they were guilty, notwithstanding their profession and vain
pretensions. A believing, humble, thankful glorying in God, is the
root and sum of all religion. But proud, vain-glorious boasting in
God, and in the outward profes... [ Continue Reading ]
25-29 No forms, ordinances, or notions can profit, without
regenerating grace, which will always lead to seeking an interest in
the righteousness of God by faith. For he is no more a Christian now,
than he was really a Jew of old, who is only one outwardly: neither is
that baptism, which is outward... [ Continue Reading ]