1 Chronicles 9:2

The first — After the return from Babylon. Dwelt — That took possession of their own lands and cities, which had been formerly allotted them; but of late years had been taken from them for their sins, and possessed by other people. Israelites — The common people of Judah and Israel, called here by t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:4

Ammihud — That there is so great a diversity of names between this catalogue and that of Nehemiah 11:4, may be ascribed to two causes: to the custom of the Hebrews, who used frequently to give several names to one person: and, to the change of times; for here they are named who came up at the first... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:9

And fifty — six — They are reckoned but nine hundred and twenty — eight in Nehemiah 11:8, either because there he mentions only those that were by lot determined to dwell at Jerusalem, to whom he here adds those who freely offered themselves to it; or because some of the persons first placed there w... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:13

Able men — Heb. mighty men of valour: which is here noted as an excellent qualification for their place; because the priests might meet with great opposition in the discharge of their office, in the execution of the censures upon all impure persons without exception, and in preserving sacred things... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:18

King's gate — In the east — gate of the temple, which was so called, because the kings of Judah used to go to the temple through that gate. Under this gate he comprehends all the rest, which also were guarded by these porters. Companies — Or, according to the courses. They kept the gates successivel... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:19

Tabernacle — Namely, in time past, when the tabernacle was standing, before the temple was built. Fathers — The Kohathites. Host — When the Israelites were in the wilderness, encamped in a military manner round about the tabernacle, with whom these were then placed. Entry — Of the veil by which they... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:21

Was — In the time of David, as the following verse sheweth. Porter — Chief porter. The door — Of the door which led out of the priests court into the tabernacle, in which the ark was placed. Before the temple was built, they had a mean and moveable tent, which they made use of in the mean time. They... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:22

Villages — Where their usual residence was, and whence they came to Jerusalem in their courses. Ordain — In the times of the judges there was much disorder both in the Jewish state and church, and the Levites came to the tabernacle promiscuously, and as their inclinations or occasions brought them.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:23

The oversight — Namely, in David's time. Tabernacle — This is added to explain what he means by the house of the Lord, not that tabernacle which David had set up for the ark; but that more solemn tabernacle, which Moses had made by God's express command; which in David's time was at Gibeon; in which... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:25

To come — From their several villages to the place of worship. Seven days — Every seventh day the courses were changed, and the new comers were to tarry 'till the next sabbath day. With them — To be with them, with the chief porters, who alway's abode in the place of God's worship.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:26

Set office — These were constantly upon the place, in the execution of their office, that they might oversee the inferior porters in their work. Treasuries — In which the sacred utensils and other treasures belonging to the temple, were kept.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:30

The ointment — This is added to shew, that though the Levites were intrusted with the keeping of this ointment, yet none but the priests could make it.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:33

These — Others of the Levites; of whose several offices he had spoken before. Are — Or rather, were; which is understood, all along in the foregoing and following verses. Chambers — That they might be ready to come whensoever they were called to the service of God in the tabernacle. Free — From all... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 9:34

Jerusalem — Upon their return from Babylon they were not suffered to chuse their habitations in the country, as others were, but were obliged to settle themselves at Jerusalem, that they might constantly attend upon God's service there.... [ Continue Reading ]

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