Follow after love — With zeal, vigour, courage, patience; else you
can neither attain nor keep it. And — In their place, as subservient
to this. Desire spiritual gifts; but especially that ye may prophesy
— The word here does not mean foretelling things to come; but rather
opening and applying the s... [ Continue Reading ]
He that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaks, in effect, not to men,
but to God — Who alone understands him.... [ Continue Reading ]
Edifieth himself — Only, on the most favourable supposition. The
church — The whole congregation.... [ Continue Reading ]
Greater — That is, more useful. By this alone are we to estimate all
our gifts and talents.... [ Continue Reading ]
Revelation — Of some gospel mystery. Knowledge — Explaining the
ancient types and prophecies. Prophecy — Foretelling some future
event. Doctrine — To regulate your tempers and lives. Perhaps this
may be the sense of these obscure words.... [ Continue Reading ]
How shall it be known what is piped or harped — What music can be
made, or what end answered?... [ Continue Reading ]
Who will prepare himself for the battle — Unless he understand what
the trumpet sounds? suppose a retreat or a march.... [ Continue Reading ]
Unless ye utter by the tongue — Which is miraculously given you.
Words easy to be understood — By your hearers. Ye will speak to the
air — A proverbial expression. Will utterly lose your labour.... [ Continue Reading ]
I shall be a barbarian to him — Shall seem to talk unintelligible
gibberish.... [ Continue Reading ]
That he may be able to interpret — Which was a distinct gift.... [ Continue Reading ]
If I pray in an unknown tongue — The apostle, as he did at 1
Corinthians 14:6, transfers it to himself. My spirit prayeth — By
the power of the Spirit I understand the words myself. But my
understanding is unfruitful — The knowledge I have is no benefit to
others.... [ Continue Reading ]
I will pray with the spirit, but I will pray with the understanding
also — I will use my own understanding, as well as the power of the
Spirit. I will not act so absurdly, as to utter in a congregation what
can edify none but myself.... [ Continue Reading ]
Otherwise how shall he that filleth the place of a private person —
That is, any private hearer. Say Amen — Assenting and confirming
your words, as it was even then usual for the whole congregation to
do.... [ Continue Reading ]
With my understanding — In a rational manner; so as not only to
understand myself, but to be understood by others.... [ Continue Reading ]
Be not children in understanding — This is an admirable stroke of
true oratory! to bring down the height of their spirits, by
representing that wherein they prided themselves most, as mere folly
and childishness. In wickedness be ye infants — Have all the
innocence of that tender age. But in underst... [ Continue Reading ]
It is written in the Law — The word here, as frequently, means the
Old Testament. In foreign tongues will I speak to this people — And
so he did. He spake terribly to them by the Babylonians, when they had
set at nought what he had spoken by the prophets, who used their own
language. These words rec... [ Continue Reading ]
Tongues are intended for a sign to unbelievers — To engage their
attention, and convince them the message is of God. Whereas prophecy
is not so much for unbelievers, as for the confirmation of them that
already believe.... [ Continue Reading ]
Yet — Sometimes prophecy is of more use, even to unbelievers, than
speaking with tongues. For instance: If the whole church be met
together — On some extraordinary occasion. It is probable, in so
large a city, they ordinarily met in several places. And there come in
ignorant persons — Men of learnin... [ Continue Reading ]
He is convicted by all — who speak in their turns, and speak to the
heart of the hearers. He is judged by all — Every one says something
to which his conscience bears witness.... [ Continue Reading ]
The secrets of his heart are made manifest — Laid open, clearly
described; in a manner which to him is most astonishing and utterly
unaccountable. How many instances of it are seen at this day! So does
God still point his word.... [ Continue Reading ]
What a thing is it, brethren — This was another disorder among them.
Every one hath a psalm — That is, at the same time one begins to
sing a psalm; another to deliver a doctrine; another to speak in an
unknown tongue; another to declare what has been revealed to him;
another to interpret what the fo... [ Continue Reading ]
By two or three at most — Let not above two or three speak at one
meeting. And that by course — That is, one after another. And let
one interpret — Either himself, 1 Corinthians 14:13; or, if he have
not the gift, some other, into the vulgar tongue. It seems, the gift
of tongues was an instantaneous... [ Continue Reading ]
Let him speak — That tongue, if he find it profitable to himself in
his private devotions.... [ Continue Reading ]
Let two or three of the prophets — Not more, at one meeting. Speak
— One after another, expounding the scripture.... [ Continue Reading ]
All — Who have that gift. That all may learn — Both by speaking
and by hearing.... [ Continue Reading ]
For the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets — But
what enthusiast considers this? The impulses of the Holy Spirit, even
in men really inspired, so suit themselves to their rational
faculties, as not to divest them of the government of themselves, like
the heathen priests under their... [ Continue Reading ]
Let your women be silent in the churches — Unless they are under an
extraordinary impulse of the Spirit. For, in other cases, it is not
permitted them to speak — By way of teaching in public assemblies.
But to be in subjection — To the man whose proper office it is to
lead and to instruct the congre... [ Continue Reading ]
And even if they desire to learn anything — Still they are not to
speak in public, but to ask their own husbands at home — That is the
place, and those the persons to inquire of.... [ Continue Reading ]
Are ye of Corinth either the first or the only Christians? If not,
conform herein to the custom of all the churches.... [ Continue Reading ]
Or spiritual — Endowed with any extraordinary gift of the Spirit.
Let him — Prove it, by acknowledging that I now write by the Spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]
Let him be ignorant — Be it at his own peril.... [ Continue Reading ]
Therefore — To sum up the whole.... [ Continue Reading ]
Decently — By every individual. In order — By the whole church.... [ Continue Reading ]