The altar — And consequently, against all that worship. O altar — He directs his speech to the altar, because the following signs were wrought upon it. Josiah — Which being done above three hundred years after this prophecy, plainly shews the absolute certainty of God's providence; and fore — knowledge even in the most contingent things. For this was in itself uncertain, and wholly depended upon man's will, both as to the having of a child, and as to the giving it this name. Therefore God can certainly and effectually over — rule man's will which way he pleaseth; or else it was possible, that this prediction should have been false; which is blasphemous to imagine. The priests — The bones of the priests, 2 Kings 23:15, whereby the altar should be defiled. How bold was the man, that durst attack the king in his pride, and interrupt the solemnity he was proud of? Whoever is sent on God's errand, must not fear the faces of men. It was above three hundred and fifty years ere this prophecy was fulfilled. Yet it is spoken of as sure and nigh at hand. For a thousand years are with God as one day.

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