Came down, &c. — It is strange, that so good a man would be so
closely connected with a king revolted from the worship of God! But he
appears to have been of too easy a temper, which betrayed him to many
inconveniencies.... [ Continue Reading ]
Is ours — Belongeth to us by right. both by God's donation, and by
our last agreement with Ben — hadad, 1 Kings 20:34, which yet he
refuseth to deliver up.... [ Continue Reading ]
Enquire — A good man, wherever he goes, will take God along with
him, will acknowledge him in all his ways, and look to him for
success. And wherever he goes, he ought to take his religion along
with him: and not be ashamed to own it, even among those who have no
kindness for it.... [ Continue Reading ]
The prophets — Doubtless his own false prophets, or the priests of
the groves; who yet gave in their answer in the name of Jehovah;
either, in compliance with Jehoshaphat, or by Ahab's direction, that
Jehoshaphat might be deceived by them, into a good opinion of the war.... [ Continue Reading ]
One man — In this place, for whom I can speedily send: for there
were also other prophets elsewhere in the kingdom, but these were not
at hand. Micaiah — Not one of the twelve prophets, who lived about a
hundred and fifty years after this time, but another of that name. Let
not, &c. — Let us neither... [ Continue Reading ]
Micaiah — It seems, he had imprisoned him; for 1 Kings 22:26, he
bids the officer carry him back, namely to the place where he was
before. Probably this was he that had reproved him, for letting Ben
— hadad go: And for that, had lain in prison three years. But this
did not make him less confident, o... [ Continue Reading ]
Said — What answer God shall put in to my mouth. Bravely resolved!
And as became one who had an eye to a greater king than either of
these.... [ Continue Reading ]
Go — Using the very words of the false prophets, in way of derision.
Micaiah's meaning is plainly this, because thou dost not seek to know
the truth, but only to please thyself, go to the battle, as all thy
prophets advise thee, and try the truth of their prediction by thy own
experience.... [ Continue Reading ]
I saw — In the spirit, or in a vision. The hills — Upon the
mountains of Gilead, nigh Ramoth, where they lay encamped by Ahab's
order. As sheep — As people who have lost their king. Return —
Discharged from the war: which was fulfilled, 1 Kings 22:26.... [ Continue Reading ]
Evil — Nay, but what evil was it, to tell him, what would be the
event, if he proceeded in his expedition, while it was in his own
power, whether he would proceed, or no? The greatest kindness we can
do to one that is walking in a dangerous way, is to tell him of his
danger.... [ Continue Reading ]
He said — I will give thee a distinct and true account of the whole
matter, in God's name and presence. I saw — By the eyes of my mind:
for he could not see the Lord with bodily eyes. The Host — The
angels, both good and bad, the one possibly on his right, the other on
his left hand. Nor is it stran... [ Continue Reading ]
Who shall — This is not to be grossly understood, as if God were at
a loss to find out an expedient to accomplish his own will; but only
to bring down divine things to our shallow capacities, and to express
the various means which God hath to execute his own designs.... [ Continue Reading ]
A spirit — An evil spirit came, and presented himself before the
throne.... [ Continue Reading ]
He said — I will inspire a lie into the minds and mouths of his
prophets. Thou shalt — I will give them up into thy hands, and leave
them to their own ignorance and wickedness. Go — This is not a
command, but only a permission.... [ Continue Reading ]
Zedekiah — The chief of the false prophets, who was much in the
king's favour. Which way — In what manner went it? Forasmuch as I
and my brethren have consulted the Lord, and have the same spirit
which thou pretendest to have.... [ Continue Reading ]
Hide thyself — Probably he went with Ahab to the battle, after which
he was glad to shelter himself where he could.... [ Continue Reading ]
Bread, &c. — With a very course and sparing diet, whereby he may be
only supported to endure his torment.... [ Continue Reading ]
Save only — This he ordered, truly supposing this to be the best way
to put an end to the war: and by the providence of God, which
disposeth the hearts of kings as he pleaseth; and inclined them to
this course, that they might, though ignorantly, accomplish his
counsel. Perhaps Ben — hadad only desi... [ Continue Reading ]
The joints — Where the several parts of his armour were joined
together. The only place about him where this arrow of death could
find entrance. No armour is proof against the darts of divine
vengeance. Case the criminal in steel, and it is all one: he that made
him, can make his sword approach him.... [ Continue Reading ]
Died — Finding too late the truth of Micaiah's words; and Zedekiah's
horns of iron, pushing not the Syrians, but himself, into destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]
Ivory house — Not that it was made of solid ivory, but because the
other materials were covered, or inlaid with ivory.... [ Continue Reading ]
Of Ahab — Who reigned twenty two years; therefore he reigned about
eighteen years with Ahab.... [ Continue Reading ]
High places — He took them away, but not fully; or not in the
beginning of of his reign.... [ Continue Reading ]
Made peace — With Ahab first, and then with his son. This is noted
as a blemish in his government, 2 Chronicles 19:2, and proved of most
mischievous consequence to his posterity.... [ Continue Reading ]
A deputy — Sent, and set over them by the kings of Judah, from the
time of David, until the days of Jehoram, 2 Chronicles 21:8.... [ Continue Reading ]
Would not — He did join with Ahaziah before this time, and before
the ships were broken: for the breaking of the ships mentioned here,
is noted to be the effect of his sin, in joining with Ahaziah, 2
Chronicles 20:37. And Jehoshaphat being warned and chastised by God
for this sin, would not be persu... [ Continue Reading ]
Ahaziah, &c. — Ahaziah was made king by his father, and reigned in
conjunction with him a year or two before Ahab's death, and as long
after it; even as Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat was made king by his
father in his life — time, which possibly was done in compliance
with Ahab's desire upon marria... [ Continue Reading ]
In the way — Which seems added, to shew, how little the example of
parents, or ancestors, is to be valued where it is opposed to the will
and word of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
His father, &c. — Most unhappy parents, that thus help to damn their
own children's souls!... [ Continue Reading ]