Arm yourselves with the same mind — Which will be armour of proof
against all your enemies. For he that hath suffered in the flesh —
That hath so suffered as to he thereby made inwardly and truly
conformable to the sufferings of Christ. Hath ceased from sin — Is
delivered from it.... [ Continue Reading ]
That ye may no longer live in the flesh — Even in this mortal body.
To the desires of men — Either your own or those of others. These
are various; but the will of God is one.... [ Continue Reading ]
Revellings, banquetings — Have these words any meaning now? They
had, seventeen hundred years ago. Then the former meant, meetings to
eat; meetings, the direct end of which was, to please the taste: the
latter, meetings to drink: both of which Christians then ranked with
abominable idolatries.... [ Continue Reading ]
The same — As ye did once. Speaking evil of you — As proud,
singular, silly, wicked and the like.... [ Continue Reading ]
Who shall give account — Of this, as well as all their other ways.
To him who is ready — So faith represents him now.... [ Continue Reading ]
For to this end was the gospel preached — Ever since it was given to
Adam. To them that are now dead — In their several generations. That
they might be judged — That though they were judged. In the flesh
according to the manner of men — With rash, unrighteous judgment.
They might live according to t... [ Continue Reading ]
But the end of all things — And so of their wrongs, and your
sufferings. Is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer
— Temperance helps watchfulness, and both of them help prayer.
Watch, that ye may pray; and pray, that ye may watch.... [ Continue Reading ]
Love covereth a multitude of sins — Yea, "love covereth all things."
He that loves another, covers his faults, how many soever they be. He
turns away his own eyes from them; and, as far as is possible, hides
them from others. And he continually prays that all the sinner's
iniquities may be forgiven... [ Continue Reading ]
One to another — Ye that are of different towns or countries.
Without murmuring — With all cheerfulness. Proverbs 10:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
As every one hath received a gift — Spiritual or temporal, ordinary
or extraordinary, although the latter seems primarily intended. So
minister it one to another — Employ it for the common good. As good
stewards of the manifold grace of God — The talents wherewith his
free love has intrusted you.... [ Continue Reading ]
If any man speak, let him — In his whole conversation, public and
private. Speak as the oracles of God — Let all his words be
according to this pattern, both as to matter and manner, more
especially in public. By this mark we may always know who are, so far,
the true or false prophets. The oracles o... [ Continue Reading ]
Wonder not at the burning which is among you — This is the literal
meaning of the expression. It seems to include both martyrdom itself,
which so frequently was by fire, and all the other sufferings joined
with, or previous to, it; which is permitted by the wisdom of God for
your trial. Be not surpr... [ Continue Reading ]
But as ye partake of the sufferings of Christ — 1 Peter 4:1, while
ye suffer for his sake, rejoice in hope of more abundant glory. For
the measure of glory answers the measure of suffering; and much more
abundantly.... [ Continue Reading ]
If ye are reproached for Christ — Reproaches and cruel mockings were
always one part of their sufferings. The Spirit of glory and of God
resteth upon you — The same Spirit which was upon Christ, Luke 4:18.
He is here termed, the Spirit of glory, conquering all reproach and
shame, and the Spirit of G... [ Continue Reading ]
Let none of you deservedly suffer, as an evildoer — In any kind.... [ Continue Reading ]
Let him glorify God — Who giveth him the honour so to suffer, and so
great a reward for suffering.... [ Continue Reading ]
The time is come for judgment to begin at the house of God — God
first visits his church, and that both in justice and mercy. What
shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel — How terribly
will he visit them! The judgments which are milder at the beginning,
grow more and more severe. But good... [ Continue Reading ]
If the righteous scarcely be saved — Escape with the utmost
difficulty. Where shall the ungodly — The man who knows not God. And
the open sinner appear — In that day of vengeance. The salvation
here primarily spoken of is of a temporal nature. But we may apply the
words to eternal things, and then t... [ Continue Reading ]
Let them that suffer according to the will of God — Both for a good
cause, and in a right spirit. Commit to him their souls — (Whatever
becomes of the body) as a sacred depositum. In well doing — Be this
your care, to do and suffer well: He will take care of the rest. As
unto a faithful Creator — In... [ Continue Reading ]