1 Timothy 6:1

Let servants under the yoke — Of heathen masters. Account them worthy of all honour — All the honour due from a servant to a master. Lest the name of God and his doctrine be blasphemed — As it surely will, if they do otherwise.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:2

Let them not despise them — Pay them the less honour or obedience. Because they are brethren — And in that respect on a level with them. They that live in a religious community know the danger of this; and that greater grace is requisite to bear with the faults of a brother, than of an infidel, or m... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:3

If any teach otherwise — Than strict practical holiness in all Its branches. And consent not to sound words — Literally, healthful words; words that have no taint of falsehood, or tendency to encourage sin. And the doctrine which is after godliness — Exquisitely contrived to answer all the ends, and... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:4

He is puffed up — Which is the cause of his not consenting to the doctrine which is after inward, practical religion. By this mark we may know them. Knowing nothing — As he ought to know. Sick of questions — Doatinglyy fond of dispute; an evil, but common, disease; especially where practice is forgo... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:5

Supposing that gain is godliness — Thinking the best religion is the getting of money: a far more common case than is usually supposed.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:6

But godliness with content — The inseparable companion of true, vital religion. Is great gain — Brings unspeakable profit in time, as well as eternity.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:7

Neither can we carry anything out — To what purpose, then, do we heap together so many things? O, give me one thing, — a safe and ready passage to my own country!... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:8

Covering — That is, raiment and an house to cover us. This is all that a Christian needs, and all that his religion allows him to desire.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:9

They that desire to be rich — To have more than these; for then they would be so far rich; and the very desire banishes content, and exposes them to ruin. Fall — plunge — A sad gradation! Into temptation — Miserable food for the soul! And a snare — Or trap. Dreadful "covering!" And into many foolish... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:10

Love of money — Commonly called "prudent care" of what a man has. Is the root — The parent of all manner of evils. Which some coveting have erred — Literally, missed the mark. They aimed not at faith, but at something else. And pierced themselves with many sorrows — From a guilty conscience, torment... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:11

But thou, O man of God — Whatever all the world else do. A man of God is either a prophet, a messenger of God, or a man devoted to God; a man of another world. Flee — As from a serpent, instead of coveting these things. Follow after righteousness — The whole image of God; though sometimes this word... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of faith — Not about words. Lay hold on eternal life — Just before thee. Thou hast confessed the good confession — Perhaps at his baptism: so likewise, 1 Timothy 6:13; but with a remarkable variation of the expression. Thou hast confessed the good confession before many witnesse... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:16

Who only hath underived, independent immortality. Dwelling in light unapproachable — To the highest angel. Whom no man hath seen, or can see — With bodily eyes. Yet "we shall see him as he is.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:17

What follows seems to be a kind of a postscript. Charge the rich in this world — Rich in such beggarly riches as this world affords. Not to be highminded — O who regards this! Not to think better of themselves for their money, or anything it can purchase. Neither to trust in uncertain riches — Which... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:18

To do good — To make this their daily employ, that they may be rich — May abound in all good works. Ready to distribute — Singly to particular persons. Willing to communicate — To join in all public works of charity.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:19

Treasuring up for themselves a good foundation — Of an abundant reward, by the free mercy of God. That they may lay hold on eternal life — This cannot be done by alms — deeds; yet they "come up for a memorial before God," Acts 10:4. And the lack even of this may be the cause why God will withhold gr... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Timothy 6:20

Keep that which is committed to thy trust — The charge I have given thee, 1 Timothy 1:18. Avoid profane empty babblings — How weary of controversy was this acute disputant! And knowledge falsely so called — Most of the ancient heretics were great pretenders to knowledge.... [ Continue Reading ]

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