He is puffed up — Which is the cause of his not consenting to the doctrine which is after inward, practical religion. By this mark we may know them. Knowing nothing — As he ought to know. Sick of questions — Doatinglyy fond of dispute; an evil, but common, disease; especially where practice is forgotten. Such, indeed, contend earnestly for singular phrases, and favourite points of their own. Everything else, however, like the preaching of Christ and his apostles, is all "law," and "bondage," and "carnal reasoning." Strifes of words — Merely verbal controversies. Whereof cometh envy — Of the gifts and success of others. Contention — For the pre — eminence. Such disputants seldom like the prosperity of others, or to be less esteemed themselves. Evil surmisings — It not being their way to think well of those that differ from themselves in opinion.

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