2 Chronicles 7:1

The fire &c. — In token of God's acceptance of his prayer. The surest evidence of God's acceptance of our prayers is the descent of his holy fire upon us. As a farther token that God accepted Solomon's prayer, the glory of the Lord filled the house; the heart that is filled with an holy awe and reve... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 7:3

With their faces — Thus expressing their awful dread of the Divine Majesty, their chearful submission to the Divine authority, and the sense they had of their utter unworthiness to enter into his presence. Upon — The cloud first came down upon the house, and then entered into the house, and was seen... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 7:6

David praised — For David composed the psalms or hymns, and appointed them to be sung by the Levites, and instrumental music to be joined to their voices.... [ Continue Reading ]

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