2 Kings 16:3
Pass — By way of oblation, so as to be consumed for a burnt — offering, which was the practice of Heathens, and of some Israelites, in imitation of them.... [ Continue Reading ]
Pass — By way of oblation, so as to be consumed for a burnt — offering, which was the practice of Heathens, and of some Israelites, in imitation of them.... [ Continue Reading ]
Could not overcome — Because God of his own mere grace, undertook his protection, and disappointed the hopes of his enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]
Sent messengers, &c. — But was it because there was no God in Israel, that he sent to the Assyrian for help? The sin itself was its own punishment; for tho' it served his present turn, yet he made but an ill bargain, seeing he not only impoverished himself, but enslaved both himself and his people.... [ Continue Reading ]
Offered — A sacrifice, and that not to God, but to the Syrian idols, to whom that altar was appropriated.... [ Continue Reading ]
Peace — offerings — For the Heathens; and Ahaz, in imitation of them, offered the same sorts of offerings to their false gods, which the Israelites did to the true.... [ Continue Reading ]
Brazen attar — Of burnt — offerings, made by Solomon, and placed there by God's appointment. From between, &c. — His new altar was at first set below the brazen altar, and at a farther distance from the temple. This he took for a disparagement to his altar; and therefore impiously takes that away, a... [ Continue Reading ]
Great altar — This new altar; which was greater than Solomon's. Sacrifice — Whatsoever is offered to the true God, either in my name (for possibly he did not yet utterly forsake God, but worshipped idols with him) or on the behalf of the people, shall be offered on this new altar. Enquire by — That... [ Continue Reading ]
The covert — The form and use whereof is now unknown. It is generally understood of some building, either that where the priests after their weekly course was ended, abode until the next course came; which was done upon the sabbath — day: or that in which the guard of the temple kept their station;... [ Continue Reading ]