2 Kings 22:3
The scribe — The secretary of state.... [ Continue Reading ]
The scribe — The secretary of state.... [ Continue Reading ]
The book — That original book of the law of the Lord, given or written by the hand of Moses, as it is expressed, 2 Chronicles 34:14, which by God's command was put beside the ark, Deuteronomy 31:26, and probably taken from thence and hid, by the care of some godly priest, when some of the idolatrous... [ Continue Reading ]
The words — The dreadful comminations against them for the sins still reigning among the people. If Josiah had seen and read it before, which seems more probable, yet the great reverence which he justly bare to the original book, and the strange, and remarkable, and seasonable finding of it, had awa... [ Continue Reading ]
Enquire — What we shall do to appease his wrath, and whether the curses here threatened must come upon us without remedy, or whether there be hope in Israel concerning the prevention of them.... [ Continue Reading ]
Huldah — The king's earnest affection required great haste; and she was in Jerusalem, which is therefore noted in the following part of the verse, when Jeremiah might at this time be at Anathoth, or in some more remote part of the kingdom; and the like may be said of Zephaniah, who also might not be... [ Continue Reading ]
The man — She uses no compliments. Tell the man that sent you — Even kings, though gods to us, are men to God, and shall be so dealt with: for with him there is no respect of persons.... [ Continue Reading ]
The works — Gods made with hands.... [ Continue Reading ]
Tender — He trembled at God's word. He was grieved for the dishonour done to God by the sins of his people. He was afraid of the judgments of God, which he saw coming on Jerusalem. This is tenderness of heart.... [ Continue Reading ]
In peace — That is, in a time of public peace: for otherwise he died in battle. Besides, he died in peace with God, and was by death translated to everlasting peace.... [ Continue Reading ]