2 Kings 6:2

Jordan — To the woods near Jordan. A beam — A piece of timber for the building. Hence it may be gathered, that although the sons of the prophets principally devoted themselves to religious exercises, yet they sometimes employed themselves about manual arts.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 6:17

He saw, &c. — Fire is both dreadful and devouring: that power which was engaged for Elisha, could both terrify and consume the assailants. Elijah gave a specimen of Divine justice, when he called for flames of fire on the heads of his persecutors to consume them. Elisha gives a specimen of Divine me... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 6:22

Wouldest thou smite — It is against the laws of humanity, to kill captives, though thou thyself hast taken them with thy own sword and bow; which might seem to give thee some colour to destroy them; but much more unworthy will it be in cold blood to kill these, whom not thy arms, but God's providenc... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 6:24

Ben — hadad — He whom Ahab wickedly spared, now comes to requite his kindness, and to fulfil that Divine prediction. Ben — hadad was a name very frequent among the kings of Syria, if not common to them all.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 6:25

Famine in Samaria — Probably the siege was so sudden, that they had no time to lay in provisions. Pieces — Supposed to be shekels; and the common shekel being valued at fifteen pence of English money, this amounts to five pounds. A vast price, especially for that which had on it so little meat, and... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 6:27

Whence shall I help thee — Dost thou ask of me corn or wine, which I want for myself? If God does not, I cannot help thee. Creatures are helpless things without God. Every creature is all that, and only that which God makes it to be.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 6:29

We boiled — A dreadful judgment threatened to them in case of their apostacy, Deuteronomy 28:56, in which they were now deeply plunged.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 6:32

He said — Being admonished by God of his danger. This son — The genuine son of that wicked Ahab the murderer of the Lord's prophets. This expression may seem very harsh and unfit; nor is it to be drawn into imitation by others: but it must be considered, that he was an extraordinary prophet, intrust... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 6:33

He said — Or, the king, who, though not here named, may be presumed to be present, both by the prophet's prediction of his speedy coming, and by the presence of the lord, on whose hand the king leaned, 2 Kings 7:2. This evil — This dreadful famine, which is now so extreme, that women are forced to e... [ Continue Reading ]

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