2 Peter 3:2

Be the more mindful thereof, because ye know scoffers will come first — Before the Lord comes. Walking after their own evil desires — Here is the origin of the error, the root of libertinism. Do we not see this eminently fulfilled?... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:4

Saying, Where is the promise of his coming — To judgment (They do not even deign to name him.) We see no sign of any such thing. For ever since the fathers — Our first ancestors. Fell asleep, all things — Heaven. water, earth. Continue as they were from the beginning of the creation — Without any su... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:5

For this they are willingly ignorant of — They do not care to know or consider. That by the almighty word of God — Which bounds the duration of all things, so that it cannot be either longer or shorter. Of old — Before the flood. The aerial heavens were, and the earth — Not as it is now, but standin... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:6

Through which — Heaven and earth, the windows of heaven being opened, and the fountains of the great deep broken up. The world that then was — The whole antediluvian race. Being overflowed with water, perished — And the heavens and earth themselves, though they did not perish, yet underwent a great... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:7

But the heavens and the earth, that are now — Since the flood. Are reserved unto fire at the day wherein God will judge the world, and punish the ungodly with everlasting destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:8

But be not ye ignorant — Whatever they are. Of this one thing — Which casts much light on the point in hand. That one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day — Moses had said, Psalms 90:4, "A thousand years in thy sight are as one day;" which St. Peter applies with... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slow — As if the time fixed for it were past. Concerning his promise — Which shall surely be fulfilled in its season. But is longsuffering towards us — Children of men. Not willing that any soul, which he hath made should perish.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:10

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief — Suddenly, unexpectedly. In which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise — Surprisingly expressed by the very sound of the original word. The elements shall melt with fervent heat — The elements seem to mean, the sun, moon, and stars; not the fou... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:11

Seeing then that all these things are dissolved — To the eye of faith it appears as done already. All these things — Mentioned before; all that are included in that scriptural expression, "the heavens and the earth;" that is, the universe. On the fourth day God made the stars, Genesis 1:16, which wi... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:12

Hastening on — As it were by your earnest desires and fervent prayers. The coming of the day of God — Many myriads of days he grants to men: one, the last, is the day of God himself.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:13

We look for new heavens and a new earth — Raised as it were out of the ashes of the old; we look for an entire new state of things. Wherein dwelleth righteousness — Only righteous spirits. How great a mystery!... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:14

Labour that whenever he cometh ye may be found in peace — May meet him without terror, being sprinkled with his blood, and sanctified by his Spirit, so as to be without spot and blameless. Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:15

And account the longsuffering of the Lord salvation — Not only designed to lead men to repentance, but actually conducing thereto: a precious means of saving many more souls. As our beloved brother Paul also hath written to you — This refers not only to the single sentence preceding, but to all that... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:16

As also in all his epistles — St. Peter wrote this a little before his own and St. Paul's martyrdom. St. Paul therefore had now written all his epistles; and even from this expression we may learn that St. Peter had read them all, perhaps sent to him by St. Paul himself. Nor was he at all disgusted... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Peter 3:18

But grow in grace — That is, in every Christian temper. There may be, for a time, grace without growth; as there may be natural life without growth. But such sickly life, of soul or body, will end in death, and every day draw nigher to it. Health is the means of both natural and spiritual growth. If... [ Continue Reading ]

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