2 Samuel 2:1

Enquired — By Urim. Thus David begins at the right end, and lays his foundation in God's counsel and assistance. Shall I go — He asked not whether he should take the kingdom; for that was appointed before; and he would not offend God, nor dishonour his ordinance with unnecessary enquiries; but only... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:3

Dwelt in — That is, the cities or towns belonging to Hebron, which was the Metropolis. For in Hebron itself there was not space for them all, because it was filled with priests, and with David's court.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:4

Anointed — This they did upon just grounds, because not only the kingdom was promised to that tribe, but David was designed and anointed by God, whose will both they and all Israel were obliged to obey. And they resolved not to neglect their duty, though they saw the other tribes would. Yet their mo... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:5

Kindness — This respect and affection. For as it is, an act of inhumanity to deny burial to the dead; so it is an act of mercy and kindness to bury them.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:6

Kindness and truth — That is, true and real kindness; not in words only, but also in actions, as you have done to your king. I will requite — So far am I from being offended with you for this kindness to my late enemy.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:7

Be valiant — Be not afraid lest the Philistines should punish you for this fact, but take good courage, I will defend you. For, &c. — Or, though your master Saul be dead, and so your hearts may faint, as if you were now sheep without a shepherd.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:8

Abner — Tho' ambition and desire of rule, because he knew that Ishbosheth would have only the name of king, whilst he had the power.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:9

Gilead — Largely so taken, for all the land of Israel beyond Jordan. Ashurites — That is, the tribe of Asher, as the Chaldee paraphrast and others understand it. Jezreel — A large and rich valley situate in the borders of the tribes of Zebulun, Issachar and Naphtali, and so put for them all. All Isr... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:14

And play — That is, shew their prowess and dexterity in fighting together. He speaks like a vain — glorious and cruel man, and a soldier of fortune, that esteemed it a sport to see men wounding and killing one another. So this he designed, partly for their mutual recreation and trial of skill; and p... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:16

By the head — By the hair of the head, which after their manner was of a considerable length. Helkath — kazzurim — Or, the field of rock; that is, of men who stood like rocks unmovable, each one dying upon the spot where he fought.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:21

And take, &c. — If thou art ambitious to get a trophy or mark of thy valour, desist from me who am an old and experienced captain, and go to some young and raw soldier; try thy skill upon him, and take away his arms from him.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:23

And died — So Asahel's swiftness, which he presumed on so much, only forwarded his fate! With it he ran upon his death, instead of running from it.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:26

Bitterness — It will produce dreadful effects. Brethren — By nation and religion: whom therefore they should not pursue with so fierce a rage, as if they were pursuing the Philistines.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:27

Unless, &c. — Unless thou hadst made the motion that they should fight, 2 Samuel 2:14. It was thou, not I, that gave the first occasion of this fight. Abner was the sole cause of this war; otherwise all things had been ended by an amicable agreement: which might have been made that very morning, if... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 2:32

In Bethlehem — The rest they buried in the field of battle, but Asahel in the sepulchre of his father. Thus are distinctions made upon earth, even between the dust of some and of others! But in the resurrection no difference will be made but between good and bad; which will remain for ever.... [ Continue Reading ]

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