2 Samuel 23:1

Last words — Not simply the last that he spoke, but the last which he spake by the spirit of God, assisting and directing him in an extraordinary manner. When we find death approaching, we should endeavour both to honour God, and to profit others with our last words. Let those who have had experienc... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:2

His word — The following words, and consequently the other words and Psalms composed and uttered by me upon the like solemn occasions, are not to be looked upon as human inventions, but both the matter and the words of them are suggested by God's spirit, the great teacher of the church.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:3

Rock — He who is the strength, and defence, and protector of his people; which he manifests by directing kings and rulers so to manage their power as may most conduce to their comfort and benefit. Ruleth — Here are the two principal parts of a king's duty, answerable to the two tables of God's law,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:4

Shall be — These words are a farther description of the king's duty, which is not only to rule with justice and piety, but also with sweetness, and gentleness, and condescension to the infirmities of his people; to render his government as acceptable to them, as is the sun — shine in a clear morning... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:5

Altho' — Although God knows, that neither I, nor my children have lived and ruled as we should have done, so justly, and in the fear of the Lord; and therefore have not enjoyed that uninterrupted prosperity which we might have enjoyed. Covenant — Notwithstanding all our transgressions whereby we hav... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:6

But — Having in the foregoing verses described the nature, and stability of that kingdom which God had by a sure covenant settled upon him and his seed; and especially, upon the Messiah, who was to be one of his posterity; he now describes the nature and miserable condition, of all the enemies of th... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:7

Fenced — He must arm himself with some iron weapon, whereby he may cut them down; or, with the staff of a spear, or some such thing, whereby he may thrust them away from himself, that they do him no hurt. Burnt — Or, if they do not cut them down or thrust them away they will burn and consume them. T... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:8

These — But this catalogue, though placed here, was taken long before, as is manifest from hence, that Asahel and Uriah are named here. And whereas there are some difference between this list, and that, 1 Chronicles 11:10, most of them are easily reconciled by these two considerations; that nothing... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:11

Lentiles — Or barley, as it is 1 Chronicles 11:13. For both might grow in the same field, in divers parts of it. And this fact is ascribed to Eleazar, 1 Chronicles 11:12, but it is implied, that he had some partner or partners in it; for it is there said, 1 Chronicles 11:14 they set themselves, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:12

Lord wrought — How great soever the bravery of the instruments is, the praise of the achievement is to be given to God. These fought, but God wrought the victory.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:15

Said — Being hot and thirsty, he expresses how acceptable a draught of that water would be to him; but was far from desiring, or expecting that any of his men should hazard their lives to procure it.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:16

Would not — Lest by gratifying himself upon such terms, he should seem either to set too high a price upon the satisfaction of his appetite, or too low a price upon the lives of his soldiers. Poured it — As a kind of drink offering, and acknowledgment of God's goodness in preserving the lives of his... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:21

Pit — Where he put himself under a necessity, either of killing, or being killed. Of snow — When lions are most fierce, both from the sharpness of their appetite in cold seasons, and from want of provisions.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:25

Harodite — In 1 Chronicles 11:27, Shammoth the Harorite. Concerning which, and other changes of the names, which will be observed, by comparing this catalogue with that, it will be sufficient to suggest, that the same names of persons, or places, are differently pronounced according to the different... [ Continue Reading ]

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