Acts 14:9

He had faith to be healed — He felt the power of God in his soul; and thence knew it was sufficient to heal his body also.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:11

The gods are come down — Which the heathens supposed they frequently did; Jupiter especially. But how amazingly does the prince of darkness blind the minds of them that believe not! The Jews would not own Christ's Godhead, though they saw him work numberless miracles. On the other hand, the heathens... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:13

The priest of Jupiter — Whose temple and image were just without the gate of the city, brought garlands — To put on the victims, and bulls — The usual offerings to Jupiter.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:15

To turn from these vanities — From worshipping any but the true God. He does not deign to call them gods; unto the living God — Not like these dead idols; who made the heaven and the earth, the sea — Each of which they supposed to have its own gods.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:16

Who in times past — He prevents their objection, "But if these things are so, we should have heard the in from our fathers." Suffered — An awful judgment, all nations — The multitude of them that err does not turn error into truth, to walk in their own ways — The idolatries which they had chosen.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:17

He left not himself without witness — For the heathens had always from God himself a testimony both of his existence and of his providence; in that he did good — Even by punishments he testifies of himself; but more peculiarly by benefits; giving rain — By which air, earth, and sea, are, as it were,... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:20

But as the disciples stood round — Probably after sunset. The enraged multitude would scarce have suffered it in the day time: he rose and went into the city — That he should be able to do this, just after he had been left for dead, was a miracle little less than a resurrection from the dead. Especi... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:23

When they had ordained them presbyters in every Church — Out of those who were themselves but newly converted. So soon can God enable even a babe in Christ to build up others in the common faith: they commended them to the Lord — An expression implying faith in Christ, as well as love to the brethre... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:26

Recommended to the grace — Or favour, of God, for the work which they had fulfilled — This shows the nature and design of that laying on of hands, which was mentioned Acts 13:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

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