Acts 22:3

I am verily — This defence answers all that is objected, Acts 21:28. As there, so here also mention is made of the person of Paul, Acts 22:3, of the people and the law, Acts 22:3, Acts 22:5, Acts 22:12; of the temple, Acts 22:17; of teaching all men, Acts 22:15, Acts 22:21; and of the truth of his d... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:4

And persecuted this way — With the same zeal that you do now. Binding both men and women — How much better was his condition, now he was bound himself.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:5

The high priest is my witness — Is able to testify. The brethren — Jews: so this title was not peculiar to the Christians.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:6

About noon — All was done in the face of the sun. A great light shone — By whatever method God reveals himself to us, we shall have everlasting cause to recollect it with pleasure. Especially when he has gone in any remarkable manner out of his common way for this gracious purpose. If so, we should... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:12

A devout man according to the law — A truly religious person, and though a believer in Christ, yet a strict observer of the law of Moses.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:16

Be baptized, and wash away thy sins — Baptism administered to real penitents, is both a means and seal of pardon. Nor did God ordinarily in the primitive Church bestow this on any, unless through this means.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:17

When I was returned to Jerusalem — From Damascus, and was praying in the temple — Whereby he shows that he still paid the temple its due honour, as the house of prayer. I was in a trance — Perhaps he might continue standing all the while, so that any who were near him would hardly discern it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:18

And I saw him — Jesus, saying to me, Depart quickly out of Jerusalem — Because of the snares laid for thee: and in order to preach where they will hear.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:19

And I said — It is not easy for a servant of Christ, who is himself deeply impressed with Divine truths, to imagine to what a degree men are capable of hardening their hearts against thee. He is often ready to think with Paul, It is impossible for any to resist such evidence. But experience makes hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:20

When the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by — A real convert still retains the remembrance of his former sins. He confesses thorn and is humbled for them, all the days of his life.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:22

And they heard him to this word — Till he began to speak of his mission to the Gentiles, and this too in such a manner as implied that the Jews were in danger of being cast off.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:23

They rent their garments — In token of indignation and horror at this pretended blasphemy, and cast dust into the air — Through vehemence of rage, which they knew not how to vent.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:25

And as they — The soldiers ordered by the tribune, were binding him with thongs — A freeman of Rome might be bound with a chain and beaten with a staff: but he might not be bound with thongs, neither scourged, or beaten with rods: Paul said to the centurion — The captain, who stood by to see the ord... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:26

Consider what thou art about to do; for this man is a Roman — Yea, there was a stronger reason to consider. For this man was a servant of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 22:28

But I was free born — Not barely as being born at Tarsus; for this was not Roman colony. But probably either his father, or some of his ancestors, had been made free of Rome, for some military service. We learn hence, that we are under no obligation as Christians to give up our civil privileges (whi... [ Continue Reading ]

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