Colossians 2:1
How great a conflict — Of care, desire, prayer. As many as have not seen my face — Therefore, in writing to the Colossians, he refrains from those familiar appellations, "Brethren," "Beloved.... [ Continue Reading ]
How great a conflict — Of care, desire, prayer. As many as have not seen my face — Therefore, in writing to the Colossians, he refrains from those familiar appellations, "Brethren," "Beloved.... [ Continue Reading ]
Unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, unto the acknowledgment of the mystery of God — That is, unto the fullest and clearest understanding and knowledge of the gospel.... [ Continue Reading ]
So walk in him — In the same faith, love, holiness.... [ Continue Reading ]
Rooted in him — As the vine. Built — On the sure foundation.... [ Continue Reading ]
Through philosophy and empty deceit — That is, through the empty deceit of philosophy blended with Christianity. This the apostle condemns, Because it was empty and deceitful, promising happiness, but giving none. Because it was grounded, not on solid reason, but the traditions of men, Zeno, Epicuru... [ Continue Reading ]
For in him dwelleth — Inhabiteth, continually abideth, all the fulness of the Godhead. Believers are "filled with all the fulness of God," Ephesians 3:19. But in Christ dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead; the most full Godhead; not only divine powers, but divine nature, Colossians 1:19. Bodily... [ Continue Reading ]
And ye — Who believe. Are filled with him — John 1:16. Christ is filled with God, and ye are filled with Christ. And ye are filled by him. The fulness of Christ overflows his church, Psalms 133:3. He is originally full. We are filled by him with wisdom and holiness. Who is the head of all principali... [ Continue Reading ]
By whom also ye have been circumcised — Ye have received the spiritual blessings typified of old by circumcision. With a circumcision not performed with hands — By an inward, spiritual operation. In putting off, not a little skin, but the whole body of the sins of the flesh — All the sins of your ev... [ Continue Reading ]
Which he wrought in you, when ye were as it were buried with him in baptism — The ancient manner of baptizing by immersion is as manifestly alluded to here, as the other manner of baptizing by sprinkling or pouring of water is, Hebrews 10:22. But no stress is laid on the age of the baptized, or the... [ Continue Reading ]
And you who were dead — Doubly dead to God, not only wallowing in trespasses, outward sins, but also in the uncircumcision of your flesh — A beautiful expression for original sin, the inbred corruption of your nature, your uncircumcised heart and affections. Hath he — God the Father. Quickened toget... [ Continue Reading ]
Having blotted out — in consequence of his gracious decrees, that Christ should come into the world to save sinners, and that whosoever believeth on him should have everlasting life. The handwriting against us — Where a debt is contracted, it is usually testified by some handwriting; and when the de... [ Continue Reading ]
And having spoiled the principalities and powers — The evil angels, of their usurped dominion. He — God the Father. Exposed them openly — Before all the hosts of hell and heaven. Triumphing over them in or by him — By Christ. Thus the paragraph begins with Christ, goes on with him, and ends with him... [ Continue Reading ]
Therefore — Seeing these things are so. Let none judge you — That is, regard none who judge you. In meat or drink — For not observing the ceremonial law in these or any other particulars. Or in respect of a yearly feast, the new moon, or the weekly Jewish sabbaths.... [ Continue Reading ]
Which are but a lifeless shadow; but the body, the substance, is of Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
Out of pretended humility, they worshipped angels, as not daring to apply immediately to God. Yet this really sprung from their being puffed up: (the constant forerunner of a fall, Proverbs 16:18) so far was it from being an instance of true humility.... [ Continue Reading ]
And not holding the head — He does not hold Christ, who does not trust in him alone. All the members are nourished by faith, and knit together by love and mutual sympathy.... [ Continue Reading ]
Therefore — The inference begun, Colossians 2:16; is continued. A new inference follows, Colossians 3:1. If ye are dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world — That is, If ye are dead with Christ, and so freed from them, why receive ye ordinances — Which Christ hath not enjoined, from which he... [ Continue Reading ]
Touch not — An unclean thing. Taste not — Any forbidden meat. Handle not — Any consecrated vessel.... [ Continue Reading ]
Perish in the using — Have no farther use, no influence on the mind.... [ Continue Reading ]
Not sparing the body — Denying it many gratifications, and putting it to many inconveniences. Yet they are not of any real value before God, nor do they, upon the whole, mortify, but satisfy, the flesh. They indulge our corrupt nature, our self — will, pride, and desire of being distinguished from o... [ Continue Reading ]