Deuteronomy 11:4

Unto this day — The effect of which destruction continueth to this day, in their weakness and fear, and our safety from their farther attempts against us.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:7

Your eyes have seen — All of them had seen some, and some of them had seen all the great things done in Egypt and at the Red — sea, and in the Wilderness. What our eyes have seen, especially in our early days, should be improved by us long after.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:10

With thy foot — That is, with great pains and labour of thy feet, partly by going up and down to fetch water and disperse it, and partly by digging furrows with thy foot, and using engines for distributing the water, which engines they thrust with their feet. For tho' the river Nile did once in a ye... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:11

Of hills and valleys — And therefore much more healthful than Egypt was, which as it was enriched, so it was annoyed with the Nile, which overflowed the land in summer time, and thereby made the country both unpleasant and unhealthful. And health being the greatest of all outward blessings, Canaan m... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:12

Careth for — In a special manner watering it immediately as it were by his own hand, without man's help, and giving peculiar blessings to it, which Egypt enjoys not. To the end of the year — To give it the rain, and other blessings proper to the several seasons. But all these mercies, and the fruitf... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:14

The ruin of your land — Which is, proper to your land, not common to Egypt, where, as all authors agree, there is little rain. The first rain fell in seed time, to make the corn spring, the other a little before harvest, to ripen it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:15

I will send grass in thy fields — So godliness has here the promise of the life which now is. But the favour of God puts gladness into the heart, more than the increase of corn, wine and oil.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:17

Shut up the heaven — Which is compared sometimes to a great store — house wherein God lays up his treasures of rain, Job 38:22, the doors whereof God is said to open when he gives rain, and to shut when he witholds it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:18

Lay up — Let us all observe these three rules, Let our hearts be filled with the word of God. Lay up these words in your hearts, as in a store — house, to be used upon all occasions. Let our eyes be fixed upon the word of God: Bind them for a sign upon your hand, which is always in view, and as fron... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:24

Every place — Not absolutely, as the Rabbins fondly conceit, but in the promised land, as it is restrained in the following words; either by possession, or by dominion, namely, upon condition of your obedience. The wilderness — Of Sin, on the south — side. To Lebanon — Which was on the north border.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:28

Which ye have not known — Which you have no acquaintance with, nor experience of their power, or wisdom, or goodness, as you have had of mine.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:29

Put — Heb. Thou shalt give, that is, speak or pronounce, or cause to be pronounced. So the word to give is used, Deuteronomy 13:1; Job 36:3; Proverbs 9:9. This is, more particularly expressed, Deuteronomy 27:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 11:30

Over against — Looking toward Gilgal, tho' at some considerable distance from it. Beside the plains of Moreh — This was one of the first places that Abram came to in Canaan. So that in sending them thither to hear the blessing and the curse, they were minded of the promise made to Abram in that very... [ Continue Reading ]

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