Hear, Lord — God will hear his prayer for the accomplishment of those great things promised to that tribe, Genesis 49:8. This implies the delays and difficulties Judah would meet with, that would drive him to his prayers, which would be with success. Unto his people — When he shall go forth to battle against his enemies and shall fall fiercely upon them, as was foretold, Genesis 49:8. Bring him back with honour and victory, to his people, to the rest of his tribe who were left at home when their brethren went to battle: and to his brethren the other tribes of Israel. Let his hands be sufficient for him — This tribe shall be so numerous and potent that it shall suffice to defend itself without any aid, either from foreign nations or from other tribes; as appeared when this tribe alone was able to grapple with nine or ten of the other tribes. From his enemies — Thou wilt preserve this tribe in a special manner, so that his enemies shall not be able to ruin it, as they will do other tribes, and that for the sake of the Messiah who shall spring out of it.

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