Ecclesiastes 9:1

Their works — All events which befal them are governed by his providence, and therefore although we cannot fully understand the reasons of all, yet we may be assured they are done righteously. No man — No man can judge by their present outward condition, whether God loves or hates them; for whom he... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:3

An evil — A great trouble to a good man. Is full — Of wickedness. Madness — They go on madly and desperately in evil courses. They go — After all, they die in the same manner as the best men do.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:4

Joined — That continues with living men. Hope — He hath not only some comfort for the present, but also hopes of further happiness in this world. Better — Much happier as to the comforts of this world.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:5

Die — Whereby they are taught to improve life. Any thing — Of the actions and events of this world. Reward — The fruit of their labours in this world, are utterly lost as to them. Forgotten — Even in those places where they had lived in great power and glory.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:7

Go — Make this use of what I have said. Eat — Chearfully and thankfully enjoy thy comforts. Accepteth — Allows thee a comfortable enjoyment of his blessings.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:8

White — The eastern people of the best sort, used white garments, especially in times of rejoicing. Ointment — Which upon joyful occasions was poured upon mens heads.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Whatsoever — Whatever thou hast opportunity and ability to do, do it with unwearied diligence, and vigour and expedition. For — Thou canst neither design nor act any thing there tending to thy own comfort or advantage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:12

His time — The time of his death, or other distress which God is bringing upon him. Are taken — While they are sporting and feeding themselves. When — When they are most careless and secure.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:13

This wisdom — I have observed this among many other instances of wisdom. Which he adds for the commendation of wisdom, notwithstanding its insufficiency for man's happiness without God's blessing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ecclesiastes 9:17

Of wise men — Though poor. In quiet — Uttered with a modest and low voice. The cry — The clamorous discourses of a rich and potent, but foolish man.... [ Continue Reading ]

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