Exodus 14:2

They were got to the edge of the wilderness, Exodus 13:20, and one stage or two would have brought them to Horeb, the place appointed for their serving God, but instead of going forward, they are ordered to turn short off, on the right — hand from Canaan, and to march towards the Red — sea. When the... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:5

And it was told the king that the people fled — He either forgot, or would not own that they had departed with his consent; and therefore was willing it should be represented to him as a revolt from their allegiance.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:7

Captains over every one of them — Or rather over all of them; distributing the command of them to his several Captains.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:10

They were sore afraid — They knew the strength of the enemy, and their own weakness; numerous indeed they were, but all foot, unarmed, undisciplined, dispirited, by long servitude, and now pent up, so that they could not escape. On one hand was Pi — hahiroth, a range of craggy rocks unpassable; on t... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:13

Moses answered not these fools according to their folly: Instead of chiding he comforts them, and with an admirable pretence of mind, not disheartened either by the threatenings of Egypt, or the tremblings of Israel, stills their murmuring, Fear ye not, It is our duty, when we cannot get out of our... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:15

Wherefore criest thou unto me — Moses though he was assured of a good issue, yet did not neglect prayer. We read not of one word he said in prayer, but he lifted up his heart to God, and God well understood, and took notice of. Moses's silent prayer prevailed more with God, than Israel's loud out —... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:19

The angel of God — Whose ministry was made use of in the pillar of cloud and fire, went from before the camp of Israel, where they did not now need a guide; there was no danger of missing their way through the sea, and came behind them, where now they needed a guard, the Egyptians being just ready t... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:21

We have here the history of that work of wonder which is so often mentioned both in the Old and New Testament. An instance of God's almighty power in dividing the sea, and opening a passage through the waters. It was a bay, or gulf, or arm of the sea, two or three leagues over. The God of nature has... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:23

And the Egyptians went in after them into the midst of the sea — They thought, why might they not venture where Israel did? They were more advantageously provided with chariots and horses, while the Israelites were on foot.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:24

The Lord — Called the angel before, looked — With indignation, upon the Egyptians, and troubled the Egyptians — With terrible winds and lightnings and thunders, Exodus 15:10, Psalms 77:18. Also with terror of mind.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:25

They had driven furiously, but now they drove heavily, and found themselves embarrassed at every step; the way grew deep, their hearts grew sad, their wheels dropt off, and the axle — trees failed. They had been flying upon the back of Israel as the hawk upon the dove; but now they cried, Let us fle... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:26

And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thy hand over the sea — And give a signal to the waters to close again, as before upon the word of command they had opened to the right and the left. He did so, and immediately the waters returned to their place, and overwhelmed all the host of the Egyptians... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:30

And Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the shore — The Egyptians were very curious in preserving the bodies of their great men, but here the utmost contempt is poured upon all the grandees of Egypt; see how they lie heaps upon heaps, as dung upon the face of the earth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 14:31

And Israel feared the Lord, and believed the Lord and his servant Moses — Now they were ashamed of their distrusts and murmurings; and in the mind they were in, they would never again despair of help from heaven; no not in the greatest straits! They would never again quarrel with Moses; nor talk of... [ Continue Reading ]

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