Exodus 21:1

The first verse is the general title of the laws contained in this and the two following chapters. Their government being purely a theocracy; that which in other states is to be settled by human prudence, was directed among them by a divine appointment. These laws are called judgments; because their... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 21:2

If thou buy an Hebrew servant — Either sold by him or his parents through poverty, or by the judges for his crimes, yet even such a one was to continue in slavery but seven years at the most.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 21:8

Who hath betrothed her to himself — For a concubine, or secondary Wife. Not that Masters always took Maid — servants on these terms.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 21:20

Direction is given what should be done, if a servant died by his master's correction. This servant must not be an Israelite, but a Gentile slave, as the Negroes to our planters; and it is supposed that he smite him with a rod, and not with any thing that was likely to give a mortal wound, yet if he... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 21:24

Eye for eye — The execution of this law is not put into the hands of private persons, as if every man might avenge himself, which would introduce universal confusion. The tradition of the elders seems to have put this corrupt gloss upon it. But magistrates had an eye to this rule in punishing offend... [ Continue Reading ]

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