Exodus 26:1

The curtains were to be embroidered with cherubim, to intimate that the angels of God pitched their tents round about the church, Psalms 34:7. As there were cherubim over the mercy — seat, so there were round the tabernacle. There were to be two hangings, five breadths to each, sewed together, and t... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 26:14

Badger skins — So we translate it, but it should rather seem to have been some strong sort of leather, (but very fine) for we read of the best sort of shoes made of it. Ezekiel 16:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 26:15

Very particular directions are here given about the boards of the tabernacle, which were to bear up the curtains. These had tenons which fell into the mortaises that were made for them in silver bases. The boards were coupled together with gold rings at top and bottom, and kept firm with bars that r... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 26:31

The veils are here ordered to be made, one for a partition between the holy place and the most holy, which not only forbad any to enter, but so much as to look into the holiest of all. Under that dispensation divine grace was veiled, but now we behold it with open face. The apostle tells us, this ve... [ Continue Reading ]

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