Exodus 6:2

l am Jehovah — The same with I am that I am, the fountain of being and blessedness, and infinite perfection. The patriarchs knew this name, but they did not know him in this matter by that which this name signifies. God would now be known by his name Jehovah, that is, A God performing what he had pr... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:5

I have heard the groaning of the children of Israel — He means their groaning on occasion of the late hardships put upon them. God takes notice of the increase of his people's calamities, and observes how their enemies grow upon them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:6

I will bring you out: I will rid you: I will redeem you: I will bring you into the land of Canaan; and, I will give it you — Let man take the shame of his unbelief which needs such repetitions, and let God have the glory of his condescending grace which gives us such repeated assurances. With a stre... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:7

I will take you to me for a people — A peculiar people, and I will be to you a God — And more than this we need not ask, we cannot have, to make us happy.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:9

But they hearkened not to Moses for anguish of spirit — That is, They were so taken up with their troubles that they did not heed him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:11

That he let the children of Israel go — God repeats his precepts, before he begins his punishments. Those that have oft been called in vain to leave their sins, yet must be called again, and again.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:12

Behold, the children of Israel have not hearkened to me; they gave no heed to what I have said, how then shall Pharaoh hear me? — If the anguish of their spirit makes them deaf to that which would compose and comfort them, much more will his pride and insolence, make him deaf to that which will but... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:13

The Lord gave them a charge, both to the children of Israel, and to Pharaoh — God's authority is sufficient to answer all objections, and binds us to obedience without murmuring or disputing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:14

This genealogy ends in those two great patriots, Moses and Aaron; and comes in here to shew that they were Israelites, bone of their bone, and flesh of their flesh, whom they were sent to deliver, raised up unto them of their brethren, as Christ also should be, who was to be the prophet and priest,... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:16

The age of Levi, Kohath, and Amram, the father, grandfather, and great grandfather of Moses is here recorded; and they all lived to a great age, Levi to one hundred thirty seven, Kohath to one hundred thirty three, and Amram to one hundred thirty seven: Moses himself came much short of them, and fix... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:23

Aminadab — A prince of the tribe of Judah. The Levites might marry into any tribe, there being no danger of confusion or loss of inheritance thereby.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:26

According to their armies — Like numerous armies, in military order, and with great power. In the close of the chapter, he returns to his narrative, from which he had broken off somewhat abruptly Exodus 6:13, and repeats, the charge God had given him to deliver his message to Pharaoh, Exodus 6:29.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 6:29

Speak all that I say unto thee — As a faithful ambassador. Those that go on God's errand must not shun to declare the whole counsel of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

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