Exodus 8:10

And he said, To — morrow — Why not immediately? Probably he hoped that this night they would go away of themselves, and then he should get clear of the plague, without being obliged either to God or Moses. However, Moses joins issue with him upon it. Be it according to thy word — It shall be done ju... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:15

But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart — Observe he did it himself, not God, any otherwise than by not hindering.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:17

The frogs were produced out of the waters, but the lice out of the dust of the earth; for out of any part of the creation God can fetch a scourge wherewith to correct those that rebel against him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:19

This is the finger of God — The power of God. The devil's agents, when God permitted them, could do great things; but when he laid an embargo upon them, they could do nothing. The magicians inability in this instance shewed whence they had their ability in the former instances, and that they had no... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:20

Rise up early — Those that would bring great things to pass for God and their generation must rise early, and redeem time in the morning. Pharaoh was early up at his superstitious devotions to the river; and shall we be for more sleep, and more slumber, when any service is to be done which would pas... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:21

Flies — Or insects of various kinds; not only flies, but gnats, wasps, hornets; and those probably more pernicious than the common ones were.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:22

Know that I am the Lord in the midst of the earth — In every part of it. Swarms of flies, which seem to us to fly at random, shall be manifestly under the conduct of an intelligent mind. Hither they shall go, saith Moses, and thither they shall come, and the performance is punctual according to this... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:24

There came a grievous swarm of flies — The prince of the power of the air has gloried in being Beel — zebub, the god of flies; but here it is proved that even in that he is a pretender, and an usurper; for even with swarms of flies God fights against his kingdom and prevails.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 8:28

Ye shall not go very far away — Not so far but that he might fetch them back again. It is likely he suspected that if once they left Egypt, they would never come back; and therefore when he is forced to consent that they shall go, yet he is not willing they should go out of his reach. See how ready... [ Continue Reading ]

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