Exodus 9:3

The hand of the Lord — Immediately, without the stretching out of Aaron's hand, is upon the cattle, many of which, some of all kinds, shall die by a sort of pestilence. The hand of God is to be acknowledged even in the sickness and death of cattle, or other damage sustained in them; for a sparrow fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 9:6

All the cattle died — All that were in the field. The creature is made subject to vanity by the sin of man, being liable, according to its capacity, both to serve his wickedness, and to share in his punishment. The Egyptians worshipped their cattle; it was among them that the Israelites learned to m... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 9:10

Ashes of the furnace — Sometimes God shews men their sin in their punishment: they had oppressed Israel in the furnaces, and now the ashes of the furnace are made as much a terror to them as ever their task — masters had been to the Israelites. This is afterwards called the botch of Egypt, Deuterono... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 9:11

The magicians were forced to retreat, and could not stand before Moses — To which the apostle refers, 2 Timothy 3:9, when he saith, that their folly was manifested unto all men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 9:12

Now the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart — Before he had hardened his own heart, and resisted the grace of God, and now God justly gave him up to his own heart's lusts, to strong delusions, permitting Satan to blind and harden him. Wilful hardness is commonly punished with judicial hardness. Let us dre... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 9:14

I will find all my plagues upon thy heart — Hitherto thou hast not felt my plagues on thy own person, the heart is put for the whole man.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 9:16

For this cause have I raised thee up — A most dreadful message Moses is here ordered to deliver to him, whether he will hear, or whether he will forbear. He must tell him, that he is marked for ruin: that he now stands as the butt at which God would shoot all the arrows of his wrath. For this cause... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 9:33

Moses went out of the city — Not only for privacy in his communion with God, but to shew that he durst venture abroad into the field, notwithstanding the hail and lightning, knowing that every hail — stone had its direction from God. Peace with God makes men thunder — proof, for it is the voice of t... [ Continue Reading ]

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